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Fine Wine Investment


Have you ever imagined that an investment cellar can be tailored to achieve your personal-specific goal including providing an income, replying your mortgage, supplementing your retirement or paying tuition fee??

Fine wine investment is a different aspect of investment, which has a comparatively low risk and it is a highly pleasurable and lucrative investment experience for the investors.  With our unique knowledge of wine market, you would be able to be structured the individually-tailored portfolios. Furthermore, its flexibility would suit your personal needs and risk attitude.

As a fine wine investment provider, our team prides ourselves on our knowledge of wine, market condition, focus and the intricate rule of supply and demand. We have a wide variety of benefits of our system such as NO VAT/NO duty, recorded personal ownership, the optimum conditions of maintaining wine, optional discretionary management, etc.

Features of fine wine investment

  • Tax free*
  • Comparatively  low risk
  • Easily realizable
  • Increasing rarity
  • Decreasing availability, but increasing demand
  • Free of early encashment charges
  • Diversification from the stock market
  • Wines have been physically harvested, not future crops

Interested in fine wine investment or got some questions? Please contact our professional financial advisor to get more information.

*No capital Gains or income taxes based on UK tax laws as at 31st Dec 2009

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