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Regular Payment Investment


Have you imagined what will you be in the future after retirement? Do you have any specific goals and wants to plan in the future such as buying a luxury car or holiday house? If you do, you may need a regular investment to achieve your aspiration.

Regular payment investment is a regular contribution unit-linked contract designed for savings and retirement planning. You can choose the most appropriate plan in terms of your abilities, aspirations, saving goals, etc.



Features of regular payment investment:

  • Flexibility of contracts
  • Available in a number of major currencies
  • Tax efficiency*
  • 17 different languages are available for clients
  • Professional financial specialist advices
  • A long term savings habit
  • Suitable for majority of age groups

With our professional regular savings advisers, your aspiration would probably come true in the future. Start planning your future or rewarding and fulfilling your life of retirement, speak to our professional financial adviser to get more information.

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